Expression of Interest
Calling for Industry Presentations at the
Clean Air Conference 2024
- Are you working in an industry setting?
- Do you have a story to tell about your company’s approach to air quality and climate change? Yes?
- Share your story with the broader air quality industry.
At this year’s conference the Scientific Organising Committee is seeking presentations from industry speakers on initiatives, challenges and opportunities being tackled in the industry sector. We are looking to hear about unique approaches to air quality issues and creative solutions to meet the climate crisis.
A curated series of industry presentations will be delivered alongside paper presentations throughout the three day conference. The industry presentations will highlight on the ground approaches to current and emerging air quality and climate change challenges.
Please express your interest if you work in industry and have a presentation to contribute.
Presentations will be shortlisted based on topic, location and innovation; in a process separate to the abstract submission process. We are aiming for a mix of presentations that cover local issues, as well as innovative solutions across Australia and New Zealand.
In a nutshell:
- The Clean Air Conference 2024 will showcase industry solutions in a series of curated presentations that will supplement the abstract process, technical presentations, and poster sessions.
- Industry presenters will be shortlisted by the Scientific Organising Committee on the basis of topic, location and innovation.
- A limited number of industry presentation slots are available.
- Questions? Please email your inquiry or call the CASANZ office.
+61 3 9727 3911
Expression of Interest extended to 1 May 2024.
The Clean Air Conference is an in-person event. Selection to present does not imply the provision of travel, accommodation, or registration for the conference.